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How the Pandemic May Have Changed Your Insurance Needs

23 Jun

The Covid-19 pandemic turned our country upside-down. From working at home to toilet paper shortages, the pandemic made everyone look at things differently. With this in mind, it may be time to review your insurance needs.   Auto Insurance Most people understand that the cost of your automobile insurance policy depends on many factors, including: Credit…

Examining Flawed Auto Insurance Beliefs

27 May

Auto insurance is one of the most common forms of insurance, probably because it’s a legal requirement. Despite this, many people still don’t understand auto insurance as well as they should. Below is an overview of flawed beliefs people have on auto insurance. Color Affects Insurance Rates Some people believe that car color affects auto…

The Need For Regular Home Insurance Review

24 Mar

People should review their home insurance regularly. Don’t just renew your coverage automatically. Coverage, limits, rates, and exclusions can all change during the year. Below are potential changes in circumstances that underscore the need for regular review. A Change in Financial Status You should always be ready to raise your homeowner’s deductible at a moment’s…